************************************************* Kitchen Assistant/2 History ************************************************* Ver 1.0 General Availability Release 9/1/94 New Features Add: User selectable measurement conversion Choices are: USA, Metric, No conversion. Recipe is store in original form. Conversion is only done for printing, exports, or display of recipes. Unit of Measure converted to a 1-3 character standard KA/2 unit abbreviation, when importing recipes. The next release will allow user to specify what the conversion will be when printing, exporting, or printing an recipe. This will allow measure conversion to languages other than English. After all there are other languages spoken on this planet of ours. User selectable fonts. Add Optional 1 recipe per page on printing recipe. Changes: Unit of measure abbreviation changed from 1-2 to 1-3 characters. The main window has been changed to allow for user font change. Ver 0.1F (not released) Fixed System error 3175 when cancel export file dialog is cancelled. Fixed export file name error. The "." was not being added to the extension. Fixed Option settings (Print format, Screen Position, Ingredients) not being saved. Fixed duplicate Title imports when KA/2 is restarted. Fixed Pack function so it no longer wipes the database. Ver 0.1E released 8/14/94 Fixed problem where in some cases the pack routine what erase the recipe files. Fixed the search routine so that a search using the logic operator(s) would do the search as expected. For example in a ingredient search The previous version would applied the search parameter only to one ingredient line at a time instead of the all the ingredients. So if a search for tomato & garlic would fail unless the words "tomato" and "garlic" appeared on the same line. Fixed the ingredient index routine. The previous version created a unnecessarily large index file by creating a new index entry for each ingredient instead of only when a new ingredient was found.. Fixed Import text function. Would not import instruction after the first instruction header encountered. Fix the Ingredient editor so if a measurement was type in the entry field it would be inserted into the recipe. Loosen up the specification for text import format. Fixed other numerous small bugs. Ver 0.1C Fixed bug with ingredient edit. When the measurement was blank the program would crash with a access violation error. This was fixed by insert a "-" in the measurement field if it is blank. The import Meal-Master routine was changed to add a "-" to the measurement field if it is blank. Ver 0.1B Fixed install program. Fixed ingredient edit to insert new ingredient line after the current line. Added "-" to the list of valid ingredient qty char to permit the entry of a range of qty such as: 1/4-1/2 cups water. ingredient edit will now excepts a tab as the inter column space character(s). Ver 0.1A (beta release expires 9/1/94) Changed ingredient line to separate the ingredient text into a ingredient field and a miscellaneous field. The two field are separated by a , or ; in a text format recipe. This was done to reduce the number of ingredient indexes maintained by Kitchen Assistant/2. Ingredients formatted without the separator will still be accept. Fixed recipe display so that when returning from editing, the edited section will be in the view area. Previously recipe was positioned to the beginning of the recipe. Fixed problem with pack operation hang. Ver 0.1 released 7/17/94 Release of first beta.